GAC was founded in 1990 by responsible parents – all living in one of Belo Horizonte’s most important poor neighborhoods – to offer their children a safe stay, good education and regular meals, while doing their own work. *) Favela ‘Aglomerado Sta. Lúcia ‘, also called “Morro do Papagaio” by...
The day-care centers have now become a permanent institution in the favela, where round about 200 children between 2 and 14 years are being supported and promoted. For the preschool children care is taken of according to their age; they learn during playing how to integrate into a group, they...
GAC has a main building, locating the Office, the kitchen and dining room in addition to the Group rooms for small and pre-school children, and also has a covered patio used as the playground and as a meeting space. The annex is a location for the classrooms for children going to...
The funding of the project is based on 2/3 of the city of Belo Horizonte, on general donations and on the parents’ fee (30 or 22 R $ per month). With the amount of the contributions, the families quickly reach their financial limits, which leads to a large fluctuation at GAC....
The wide range of offers provided by GAC is evidently different from that of common schools. Children visiting GAC are much further developed and they perform much better in school than those children living in the favela who can not attend this institution. For this reason GAC is a facility whose survival...
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