
Care and Provisioning

The day-care centers have now become a permanent institution in the favela, where round about 200 children between 2 and 14 years are being supported and promoted. For the preschool children care is taken of according to their age; they learn during playing how to integrate into a group, they are receiving regular meals and are being promoted in their skills.
The groups of school children are hosted in a separate building and they are taken care of on a half-day basis. In addition to the meals, they also receive help with homework, a good offer for their free time and promotion of their knowledge and skills in the form of workshops (sports, languages, music, handicraft, etc.).

There is a partnership with a medical center (Posto de Saúde), which provides care for the children – mainly dental and psychological. In the case of injuries, accidents or sudden illnesses of the children an immediate, free treatment is ensured.