Premises and Offers

Premises and Offers

GAC has a main building, locating the Office, the kitchen and dining room in addition to the Group rooms for small and pre-school children, and also has a covered patio used as the playground and as a meeting space.
The annex is a location for  the classrooms for children going to school, a kitchen and a dining room, a computer room, a library and a video room, a hall for sport and other events and another small office. With the help of Kinderhorizonte e.V. \’s donations it was possible to build a small pool which allows the granting of swimming lessons. Conservation of both buildings is the responsibility of GAC. This is an additional challenge which reaches the limit of financial resources.

For to support the children\’s homework (the parents usually are not able to help) is a tutor available.

In several (changing) workshops the children are able to develop their talents, do some  sports or learn new skills. These workshops are very popular and are always well attended.
Common excursions  to the  local area, visits to museums, participating in small theatre acts  and  many other  activities are available to fill the free time of the children.