The donation barometer gives on a monthly basis a summary of the activities of the donors and the godparents. Also shown are the account balances of the current year. Major investments are reported in the GAC newsletter.
Account of Kinderhorizonte e.V. Deutschland 2024
Actual Balance
€ 2.679,90
€ 3.166,00
Status 1.1.2023
€ 12.340,63
Account Transactions
Account Balance
Bank comissions
€ -4,80
€ 12.826,73
Godparents Donation
€ 880,-
€ 12.831,53
Transfer to GAC € 500,- additional teacher € 550,- Support addon to parents fee € 450,- Workshops € 1.045,- Restart of the group of older kids
€ -2.650,-
€ 11.951,53
Bank comissions
€ -19,90
€ 14.601,53
Godparents Donation
€ 1.265,-
€ 14.621,43
Bank comissions
€ -5,20
€ 13.356,43
Other donations
€ 36,-
€ 13.361,63
Godparents Donation
€ 985,-
€ 13.325,63
Remarks: Some donors and sponsors are paying annually or semiannually rather than monthly. We report those semiannually or annually contributions as if they were received monthly, thus giving us a better picture of the available funding for each month. The balance sheets above are on a cash basis.
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