(Deutsch) Vereinsgründung und Ziele

Association and Targets

Some of our founding members became aware of the GAC day care center and decided to help there. Contributors were searched and found in an Internet Forum. First donations arrived and soon it was necessary to develop the helping  community to a non-profit organization. This was the basic to become more effective  and generate more donations.
So Kinderhorizonte e.V. was founded at the 1st  of July 2006. The proof as a non-profit  Organisation  by the German Financial department took place in the same year. Now, the young ONG was also able  to issue tax relevant donation receipts.
A website was created and a sponsorship program started.
Up to this point  Kinderhorizonte e.V. is not set apart from other non-profit associations. But these are the points which make us different to others:

  • All members of the association work voluntarily, so they receive no remuneration for their work
  • All members of the association bear their costs (postage, advertising etc.) themselves
  • We limit ourselves to just one helping project, of which we take care intensively
  • We regularly inform our sponsors and donators about the situation at GAC with newsletters sent by email
  • We disclose our income and the use of donations every month
  • The GAC project benefit 100% of the donations. There are 0% costs for administration!