Donation barometer 2008

Donation Barometer 2008

The donation barometer gives on a monthly basis a summary of the activities of the donors and the godparents. Also shown are the account balances of the last and the current month. Major investments are reported in the GAC newsletter.

Account of Kinderhorizonte e.V. Deutschland 2008

Actual Balance
Status 1.1.2008
€ 9.323,76
Account Transactions
Comment Value Account Balance
Bank comissions € -16,10 € 9.969,57
Foto Workshop Material € -250,00 € 9.985,67
relegation gifts € -485,00 € 10.235,67
Transfer to GAC
€ 2.200,- Support addon to parents fee in 02/03
€ 500,- Capoeira teacher
€ 330,- Children psychological support€ 1.300,- Workshop material
€400 Workshop material
€ -3.430,- € 10.720 ,67
Bank pay interest € 53,36 € 14.150,67
Other donations € 3.247,50,- € 14.097,31
Godparents Donation € 1.743,- € 10.849,81
Bank comissions € -19,50 € 9.106,81
relegation gifts € -120,- € 9126,31
Transfer to GAC
€ 1.300,- Workshop material
€ 500,- Christmas party
€ 610 ,- maintenance house and pool
€1.400,- Subsidy for reduced money from mayor
€ -3.810,- € 9.246,31
Bank pay interest € 14,16 € 13.056,31
Other donations € 387,- € 13.042,15
Godparents Donation € 1.541,- € 12.655,15
Bank comissions € -1,65 € 11.114,15
Bank pay interest € 18,20 € 11.115,80
Other donations € 25,- € 11.097,60
Godparents Donation € 1.756,- € 11.072,60
Bank comissions € -15,- € 9.316,60
Transfer to GAC
€ 770,- Support addon to parents fee in 12
€ 500,- Capoeira teacher
€ 330,- Children psychological support
€ 1.400,- Subsidy for reduced money from mayor
€ -3.000,- € 9.331,60
Bank pay interest € 22,15 € 12.331,60
Other donations € 225,- € 12.309,45
Godparents Donation € 1.892,- € 12.084,45
Bank comissions € -1,50 € 10.192,45
relegation gifts € -60,- € 10.193,95
Bank pay interest € 14,26 € 10.253,95
Other donations € 300,- € 10.239,69
Godparents Donation € 1.161,- € 9.939,69
Transfer to GAC
€ 1540,- Support addon to parents fee in 10-11
€ 600,- Capoeira teacher
€ 100,.- Anti Dengue feaver Project
€ 160,- subvention bakery
€ 700,- Subsidy for reduced money from mayor
€ -3.000,- € 8.778,69
Bank comissions € -18,15 € 11.778,69
relegation gifts € -80,- € 11.796,84
Bank pay interest € 6,65 € 11.876,84
Other donations € 809,50 € 11.870,19
Godparents Donation € 1.761,- € 11.060,69
Bank pay interest € 11,48 € 9.299,69
Other donations € 152,30 € 9.288,21
Godparents Donation € 1.083,- € 9.135,91
Transfer to GAC
€ 1540,- Support addon to parents fee in 08-09
€ 55,- Children psychological support
€ 660,- Capoeira teacher
€ 400,.- Anti Drug Project
€ 200,- Tshirt Sale
€ 145,- Icecream + Cake day
€ -3.000,- € 8.052,91
Bank comissions € -15,- € 11.052,91
relegation gifts € -10,- € 11.067,91
Godparents Donation € 1.276,- € 11.077,91
Bank comissions € -3,70 € 9.801,91
relegation gifts € -45,- € 9.805,61
Bank pay interest € 22,24 € 9.850,61
Other donations € 285,- € 9.828,37
Godparents Donation € 1.259,- € 9.543,37
Transfer to GAC
€ 2.310,- Support addon to parents fee in 05-07
€ 308,- Children psychological support
€ 270,- Capoeira teacher 05-06
€ 302,- First Aid equipment
€ -3.100,- € 8.284,37
Bank comissions € -15,- € 11.384,37
relegation gifts € -75,- € 11.399,37
Fee for sending T-Shirts € -35,55 € 11.474,37
Bank pay interest € 15,55 € 11.510,92
Other donations € 255,16 € 11.494,37
Godparents Donation € 1.128,- € 11.239,21
Bank pay interest € 4,99 € 10.111,21
Other donations € 1.116,- € 10.106,22
Godparents Donation € 1.154,- € 8.990,22
Transfer to GAC
€ 2.310,- Support addon to parents fee in 02-04
€ 100,- PC care
€ 100,- WS Bijouterie
€ 462,- Children psychological support
€ 270,- Capoeira teacher02-04
€ 110,- TV for volunteers room
€ 270,- relegation gifts
€ -3.622,- € 7.836,22
Bank pay interest € 6,46 € 11.458,22
Other Donations € 715,- € 11.451,76
Bank comissions € -15,- € 10.736,76
Godparents Donation € 1.428,- € 10.751,76


Some donors and sponsors are paying annually or semi annually rather than monthly. We report those semi annually or annually contributions as if they were received monthly, thus giving us a better picture of the available funding for each month. The balance sheets above are on a cash basis.